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保密. Available 24/7. Make the most of our new 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Employee, Staff, and Student 健康 资源:

幸福 & Mental Health 资源

Welcome to the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 医疗 University Well-being Resource Center!  We are here to provide tools to our entire 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 community to help with overall health and wellness in your everyday lives. Health and wellness are two important and complementary parts of well-being.

健康与. 健康

Fruit and vegetables in a heart-shaped bowl and exersise equipment around it

Health and wellness are often thought of as being the same thing, describing them as the overall well-being of your body, 心, 和灵魂, when in fact, health and wellness are two separate parts of well-being, although they are both equally important.

Health refers to a state where the physical body is free from disease, while wellness refers to an overall balance of a person's physical, 社会, 精神上的, 情感, 知识, environmental and occupational well-being.

幸福 consists of two main components: how satisfied we are with life and how comfortable we are in our present situation. Our wellbeing is not only affected by a healthy environment but by our relationships with others, 锻炼, a sense of purpose and sleep, among many more factors.

In order to achieve this perfect balance between health and wellness, we need to look to the Dimensions of 健康, which will lead to the overall well-being for our bodies, 心s, 和灵魂s.  Within each dimension we also provide resources and tools.

Pet A Pooch (Animal Support)

Become a Pet Therapy 志愿者


Both steps must be completed to become a pet therapy volunteer. 

"Pet Partners® of Central New York is a dedicated group of individuals and registered Therapy Animal Teams committed to promoting the enrichment of lives through the human-animal bond."

Pet Partners CNY

Pet Therapy for Your Department

If you're interested in having pet therapy event for your department fill out our event form.
